1. i am a fun loving person.
2. i kick ass at Scrabble.
3. i watch Mad TV on Zee English . i don’t know why.
4. i’m a much better interior designer than my own profession. through which i own my bread and butter...
5. i thought i would get married by 20.
6. i think of getting married by 24.
7. some days i totally forget that i should get married also..
8. i hate ppl who get into my nerves.
9. i was double-promoted in school.
10. Only once .......
11. i am a total computer internet geek...
12. Internet is my life..
13. I am crazy about watches...

14. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Scorpio ( Mahindra SUV)
15. i’m really good at a lot of things, but i’m scared i’m not great at anything.
16. i’m hate reading books.
17. i don’t really like ice cream very much.
18. i hate ppl who smoke.. .
19. i’m incredibly unphotogenic.
20. i cant touch my nose with my tongue.
21. butter,NO.Cheese YES...
22. if i had to choose between cake or death, i’d choose cake.
23. nothing pisses me off more than a closed mind.
24. i love to ride roller coasters.
25. a total music addict.
26. Pratiche was my favorite member from Viva

27. i grew up on the “wrong” side of the river.
28. i love to bug ppl.
29. i don’t look like anyone famous.
30. i can watch tennis and basketball for hours...
31. i’m beginning to suspect that i do have a biological clock after all.....after working in a call center....
32. i lost everything in life coz of my possesiveness..
33. i miss my grandparents every single day.
34. i rock at online pool.
35. i really like the smell of the first rain and the wet mud.
36. i think the band " Westlife" should have been named " My life".
37. i drive a zen and dream to drive a Scorpio...
38. i’m a cartoon addict... .
39. i’m not compulsive list maker.
40. i don’t like citrus fruit.
41. i love potatoes…mashed, baked, french fried, you name it.
42. i always know who is upto a plan in buggin me ..
43. Winter and Spring are my favorite season.
44. it gives me no pleasure at all to state the following: in the infidelity equation, i have been the cheater, the cheatee, and the cheated on.
45. most days, i would trade five years of my life to be a size 6.
46. i wish i was fluent in french.
47. and italian.
48. i hate it when people dont correct me when i am wrong...
49. i enjoy sketching and singing....espcially when alone
50. i like my candle collection...
51. i love soft soft white towels.
52. my feet are always cold.
53. i prefer telephone to the email.
54. what i don't get is why lyle lovett married julia roberts.

55. i work crossword puzzles in ink.
56. i wish i could remember to clean my bike.
57. i have only one sweet teddy soft toy.
58. i am not a sister.
59. i am a good listener.
60. i hold grudges. i try really hard not to, but sometimes i just can't help myself.
61. i actually like speaking in front of large crowds.
62. i am a telugu reddy
63. i would be a really good mom, but right now i'm cool with being a really good aunt.
64. i am sometimes more perceptive than i would like to be.
65. i am sometimes, stupidly loyal.
66. i never play dumb. never.
67. i am way too hard on myself.
68. i am a moms child....
69. i sometimes cross that fine line between assertive and aggressive.
70. i am not afraid to tell people that i love them.
71. i am militantly pro-choice.
72. i am pro-adoption.
73. i know a little bit about a lot of things.
74. i'm a bundle of contradictions. covered in secret sauce.
75. i typically enjoy the company of men more than women.
76. i am capable of being really mean and nasty, but i fight it, really hard.
77. i am a lifelong my dad's fan. do not laugh.
78. i am lousy at forgiving myself.
79. i am an indoor kind of gal.
80. my name in south india is a guys name..
81. i am a bargain shopper. to the point of obsession.
82. i own more than 15 finger rings and lipsticks and lip glosses. it's a sickness.

83. i set high standards for myself in all areas of my life, and I often expect others to do the same...without ever telling them.
84. i’ve never read war and peace.
85. i know flash!
86. i love my mom more than anything in the whole world.
87. i am fascinated by serial killers.
88. i just realized that i don’t eat much non veg. but, when i do eat it, i like it rare.
89. i’ve discovered that it is virtually impossible for me to physically relax.
90. i love movies. especially the " u've got mail" . and pretty much anything and everything. and...oh, hell, i just love movies.
91. i have a sinking feeling that i’m going to die relatively young, but i don’t let it interfere with my day-to-day life.
92. i worry that i'm "supposed" to be doing something great...like world-changing great. but i have no idea what it is.
93. i know she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but i was my gran’s favorite.
94. i try and do the right thing. all the time. and it’s hard.
95. i fucking hate it when you think someone is your friend and it turns out that they’re actually a sociopath.
96. i learned the word “fuck” from my school frineds in 8th grade....and told that to my mom the next day much to her dismay.
97. some days i’m scared to death…but i think i hide it well.
98. i’ve never been anywhere i loved more than my room..
99. i am sad when it comes to me thinking about poverty and hunger for the poor and the needy..
100. i am love pasta and sizzlers..