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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Board hype: Healthy pressure or undue stress?

As the students find themselves in the midst of Board exams, the pressure levels seem to be reaching a feverish pitch. The endless study hours, the bulk of syllabus; the overwhelming pressure of parents and peers is wreaking havoc on the students’ psyche.

What was once meant to be a stepping-stone to higher education has now almost degenerated to being representative of the most stressful period of a student’s life.
Suicides and other extreme measures are becoming more of a norm than an exception. Six students have already committed suicide while 300 have attempted it.
According to a survey conducted by the School Mental Health Programme (SMHP) in the Capital, over 70 per cent students are suffering from exams stress and anxiety.
While nearly a third reported sleep disturbances, a sixth were on medication for recurrent headaches and dullness experienced during this period. There is also a spurt in the use of memory-enhancing drugs, while many kids have also taken to smoking to combat the aggravated anxiety levels.
Peer pressure too is a major stress factor. Children are bogged down by the fear of being ostracized by friends if they don’t fare well in the exams.
But problems arise only in two cases—firstly, when parents exert more pressure than the child is capable of handling, and secondly when kids react too strongly to pressure, giving rise to anxiety, nervousness, nausea, depression and headaches.
Therefore, the need of the hour is for parents to encourage the child as per his/her abilities. They must also avoid communicating their anxieties to the child, and refrain from any comparison at all. But most crucial aspect is to draw the line between healthy stimulation and unhealthy pressure


Blogger Sachin Uppal said...

I have a simple approach to this situation...
1st thing to be made clear in minds of Parents and Child that this is not end of life...its just the starting of life!
And i believe every single child in this world is gifted its just the time we take to realize those talents!
So whatever is the Boards results n al l doesn't matter much...what matters is the right attitude of taking the exams...
I think most of the world leader have succeded in there life by not having very big qualifications but by just sticking to the thing they like in there life!
So most important thing in this case becomes sticking to the passion that they have!

And I feel many of these incidents happen due to miscommunication between parents and children...instead of parents forcing there children to perform better should focus on the ryt thing by saying give ur best shiot and let the rest in the name of GOD!

I think if parents communicate frequesntly with there child all the sloutions can b found to the troubles that a child migt be having and i don find many reasons for a child not performing well...or probably the child can perform well in some other field than Acads...

So better communication, more focus towards the child's passion and the parents support is what all a child need to excel!

Ohh am i not ready to b the Perfect parents Guide??? LOL!!!

March 07, 2005 12:04 AM  
Blogger Sachin Uppal said...

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March 07, 2005 12:58 AM  

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