Whats The Meaning Of Life !!!!

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Friday, March 18, 2005

An aweful horrible sick day

Since yesterday my shift at work changed... now i have to work from 8pm to 5am in the night, and how horrible can things get in life..... after working for 10 months in a day shift and switching over to night. Man life really can be hell out here..
this is about my day after work today or whatever u call it.....
6:00am: Reached home, went for a walk.
7:00am: Had breakfast.
7:15am: Off to sleep.
10:30am: Got a call on my cell phone and woke up and cursed that person like hell.
11:00am: Tried sleeping again but not successful.
11:30am: Broadband services guys called.
12:15am: Idiots came into my room and installed the dsl.
12:45pm: Started surfing the net and downloading all kinds of crazy software.
1:45pm: Had lunch
2:00pm: Tried sleeping again. NO USE.
3:30pm: Finally at last messaged my good friend and went off to sleep. { guess should have messaged him before itself . lol }
5:00pm: Got up and the again on the internet at home.
6:00pm: Finally got ready and off to work.
and now in office i am just so dead sleepy man......... can snatch anyones bed and go off to sleep.
and now sitting and bloggin.......
12:00am: Just had dinner now. Had called my best friend before having dinner thought will speak with him for a while but then he was busy . and was having dinner out with his friend.
I havent spoken to him for almost 2 days now properly. We had a small argumetn day before and feeling kinda awkward and now i fell bad for whatever happenend. I dont understand y human emotions are at times so difficult to understand.
U just tend to forget the world when u r with that special person ,tend to do things that u shouldnt, later realise that what u did was wrong , then start thinking about it and then finally ask for answers to the questions which cannot be answered at all. Sounds crazy and confusing na.But thats the fact.

"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."


Blogger Pradeep Nair said...

- I can understand what night shift means. I work till midnight daily from around 4 pm. What I miss the most is the evenings.
- True emotions can play havoc. So, never act after your think with your heart. Think with your head. Never let the heart rule you. Let the head dictate the terms!

March 19, 2005 6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u have all guy best frns...no gal frns?

March 19, 2005 10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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March 19, 2005 10:34 AM  
Blogger Kiran said...

well its not only guys. but the percentage of guy friends is more than girl..... and as i told u i am talking here only about one best friend and its a guy......

March 19, 2005 1:31 PM  
Blogger Sachin Uppal said...

"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."
GOD make everybody realise this!

Not all understand...and the ones who understand, others don't understand them...so if u understood what i meant then do do what u shud do :))

Anyways i can get ur point of change in shift timings it really sucks big time...many of my friends in Delhi got red eyes coz of these crazy shift timings...
anywyas am here to keep u pepped up!
Cheers and NJoy!

March 20, 2005 10:00 PM  

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