Whats The Meaning Of Life !!!!

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Feel Disastrous !!!!

Feel kinda DISASTROUS today...
And how would one feel also if u r working in a 8 hr shift over the weekend... the entire world is enjoying and we sit and work here... crazy ...... its hell...
My mood got worse more when i came to know that my shift has been changed for the next 2 weeks.. how worse should things get now then.... Man life really sucks !!!
I thought atleast the evenings will be free and i can go and meet up my friends. but damn it !!
On the other hand ... my friend has gone out of town.. thought of meeting him this weekend and talk to him lots and lots and lots and but sir is having a nice weekend... fine.. he also had a bad week so he really deserves a nice holiday for himself...
I dont know what on earth will i do today and tommorow and the day after that.. another 3 days to go with the work. And then finally will have the so called weekend, on a weekday...... :(


Blogger Sachin Uppal said...

GOD should have made me a Generic friend for all and should have been sending me salary direct from his home so that i can go and make all my friends feel better and happy!

Hey GOD knock knock...u there?? listening to me??

Help them all out...am there from ur side...let them meet me!!!
Cheer up chirpy i know u r strong buddy! U'll cope up with all this and am always there 4 u!


March 14, 2005 4:40 AM  

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