Whats The Meaning Of Life !!!!

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Old Days

"We had the annual alumni meet today and day before, and it was absolutely great talking to past students
.It is very encouraging and inspiring to see how much the IIT community has achieved. Hope we continue to uphold the name of our alma-mater.
In the evening last night, many of them let their guard down and reminisced events from their days in Kharagpur. Many of our famous alumnis (which includes some of our professors) were out of the league even when it comes to pranks and enjoying life. We are on the right track :-D"
Well this was sent to me in a mail by a special person to me...
He stays in US.... working there with Conseco ...know him for a quite a while...damn intelligent guy... studied in IIT Kharagpur...did his MS in Chicago...and now doing MBA in the evening weekend classes....smart, intelligent & handsome.. what more could a girl ask for.
This mail that he sent was about the Alumni meet of all the IITian's they had in the US, who also pursued their MS there...
He had called me up today morning and told me how much fun he had there, with all the pranks that they used to play on their professors and friends. " I wish Kiran i could go back to those days. A tension free life.. only happiness, no responsibilties, no worries, Bindas life"
Its actually fun talking to him.. he calls me almost everday, unless he gets stuck with his office work, pretty good friends.. kinda started liking him too... :)
but then feel all this liking stuff is again a crazy thing. u fall in love , they break ur heart. its
Have you ever had that feeling when you’re with him and you think your heart is going to explode? Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach when he touches you ever so gently? Have you ever felt your body tingle when you look into his eyes? Do your eyes swell up with tears of joy, just thinking how lucky you are to have him in your life? Do you thank God everyday for giving him to you?
He asked me what I was thinking this morning and I told him that I couldn’t tell him, even though I was screaming it at the top of my lungs inside me. I told him instead that he’s put a magic love spell over me.
That’s the last thing I would want to do. And this may sound crazy, but I could see us getting married. I could see me spending the rest of my life with this man and being extremely happy! I’ve never thought that about anybody before. Especially this early in the game.
It’s only been a few months since I know him, and it feels like i know him since ages. I mean i do know him frm ages but then we were not in touch for a quiet a long time and now just got to know more about him recently..
We haven't really gone out on a real date, just lunch ..But he showers me with attention, which I eat up! It's nice to get attention from someone you want attention from. It's not cool, if you don't like the person.

I think the worst possible hurt, is losing someone you love.but seeing the person you love so much, and knowing you can't be together, walking into the house you shared, and taking out your belongings, really, really, really sucks!
Ok now u guys dont have to think that i am in love with this guy... i dont have any intensions in falling in love, i am happy the way i am. Just was telling u guys about it.. though he has a girl friend and he loves her a lot, thats what he says so. He is going to get married to her next yr and then live happily ever after i guess :) .just kidding
But relationships are not about ME......Its about WE...what do u say ?


Blogger Sachin Uppal said...

Thats ryt a relationship is about "WE" and not "ME"

But i think if u take it on the other hand...

If you like someone or may b love some one then its absolutely fine...
I believe that you can actually love someone truly and whole heartedly when u don't expect!

If even without expecting you are able to love someone then that Love is much deep and much true than any other love!
If you can love some1 and just want all d very best of all the worlds and if u are happy with his/her happiness then thats absolutely the true love that you have for him/her...now the question that you din't get wat u should have got as in the reciprocation in love...if you wouldn't have expected anything this question wouldn't arise on the first hand...and even if you expect something which is quite humanly possible to do...I think not every one is lucky enough to get that...atleast you got the care, affetcion and attention of that person!
U may not b able to spend ur entire life with that person but you may b able to get the platonic affection from that person which might give u the emotional satisfaction!

The "ME" is the selfish "ME" sitting inside all of us...The moment we get above that "ME" and think about "WE" even without being "WE" together...I feel that monstrous "ME" has subsided and the the real soft picture of the true "ME" has emerged and with the right attitude!!

This is just my thoughts accumulated after reading ur posts...
Just addon!!!
Or mail me back!

March 07, 2005 1:01 AM  
Blogger Ravi Prakash said...

Its cool...but hmm you love needs How to say Kiran but something is missing in you! Well any ways dont feel that love always sucks sucks! It really makes you the one - find out and have a great day! You Name inspires me a lot to read your blog as i used to have one friend by this name! Of course as yours - as mine - its sucks!

August 27, 2005 10:00 AM  

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