Hello all, long time since i have been to my blog and updated. Looks like my readers are really eager to know what i did for past so many days. I was out on a vacation; ofcourse not out of town but on a vacation in Bangalore itself.
My boyfriend had come down to meet me from Mumbai. Let me tell u all a few things about him.
" Asst.To The Captain on a Semisubmersible drilling rig off the coast of india. Involved Primarily in stability operations,cargo handling, helicopter and boat management & safety equipment & systems maintenance. im skilled at keeping my drilling rig afloat and being responsible for the lives of a 100 people."
Now can you imagine that long designation of his has so much responsibilties.. poor jaanu.. has to work so much.. :P
He just loves eating mangoes.. his mom has kept somewhere around 40 - 50 kgs mangoes stored for him to eat during his one month stay at home... wow... by the time he gets on the rig.. he would be become like a mango.. yummy and sweet and juicy.... hahahaha
He lovesssssssssss choclates, choclate cakes... ice creams like me.... this is one thing we have in common....
Jaanu is really crazy.. the pranks he plays on me.. his friends.. the incidents he telle me.. his ideas , his thoughts.. its just sometimes so different. But i love him the way he is..
Well i know i kept on buggin my readers with the poems and the countdown but for me it was worth the wait.. Next few post i will tell you all about the time i spent with Jaanu..or shall i say.. how i killed the time with Jaanu ( Kidding Jaanu ;) )
Jaanu is the rainbow of my life...