What r u living for ??
It is a simple question yet has a difficult answer, it is your life. Why are you doing what you're doing? Is it because you love it? Is it because it pays the bills? Is it because society has told you it is the next thing to do? The simple decisions we make ultimately become our life. Wouldn't it be a good idea to stop every once in a while and try to figure out why you are doing what you're doing.I know so many college students that if you ask them why they are going to school they say they don't know. They're just going because it was the next thing on the checklist. The checklist of life, go to school, go to college, get a good job, get married, have kids, survive, retire and then die. There is nothing wrong with the checklist, but the checklist is not life. Just because you made it from step 2 to step 3 doesn't mean you are living. I feel so bad for the college students that commit there life to making it through school and working and sacrificing and when they get out they think they are going to have life. Life is now...

Not when you get out of school, not when you get married. The choices you make now determine the life you will live. If you don't determine to live in the moment, if there is not purpose and life in what you are doing now, what makes you think there will be later?Vision, it is so hard to find now days. Someone that has vision for their life. Someone that wants to serve a purpose bigger then themselves. Someone that is not content with the checklist. I know that I'm being idealistic but who wants to be the statues quo? To live a life of vision is to live the great adventure. To take risks, the risk of real relationships and friendships, the risk of doing your own thing rather then follow the footsteps of your family, the risk of committing your life to something greater then yourself. These risks are necessary, they don't always work out, that is why they are called risks. Sometimes your friends will hurt you, sometimes you die when you fight for something greater then yourself, but those that do are always remembered as heroes, people who truly lived, people who truly believed in what they were doing. What are you living for?