Whats The Meaning Of Life !!!!

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Monday, October 17, 2005


How many times do people jabber about the different things a man could do... a man cud be... and a man is... What a person is largely determined by what others think he is. This is a totally faulty state of affairs that is existing. This in turn curbs the natural calling of a being. It becomes almost impossible for him to get out of the faulty state, due to social stigma. And even if he does get out, how long is he gonna continue like that?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

U know wat a friend means

This is something i found in one of the articles my friend had sent to me.
Found it really appropriate and thought of sharing it with u guys.
*"True friends" who know everything about you, who you talk to regularly, and who you could say absolutely anything to (the test: get arrested and see if they bail you out of jail).
*"Good friends" who you spend a lot of time with, you could talk to if you had problems (the test: avoid them for a week, and see if they seek you out).
*"Shopping Mall Buddies" who are a blast to be around, but you would likely not ask them to help you paint a barn if the situation came up (the test: you hang out with them, but they cringe or avoid talking about serious topics with you).
*"Friendly Acquaintances" who you talk to if you run into them, but don't do much outside of your usual sphere of connectivity (the test: You stop to chat and you're genuinely interested in them, but plans just never seem to materialise when you're together).
*"Byte-Sized Acquaintances" who you say hi to when you walk by but not much else (the test: they know your name, but not both your phone number and address).

Tell me guys is this correct or not.

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Something good happened today
He finally called me by my name
I didn't know how to behave
What to say or do
I was so confused

Dear diary
I wanna talk to him again
But whenever he is with his friends
He keeps trying to pretend
But i already see
The way he feels for me

What can i do?
Tell me what can i say
When do i let him know i feel
the same way
How can my feelings be so hard to show
When i really want him to know

Dear diary
He wrote some letters on his hand
It wasn't hard to understand
I figured i'm part of his plans
But now i'm in his heart
I don't know where to start

You're my hiding place
Where my private thoughts are safe
And just one look and he will see
What's inside of me

Monday, October 03, 2005

My first drink

well as the heading suggests......
i had my first drink on 1st october. my friend Naresh gave his b'day party in Spinz... i wanted to be him that day coz that was my last night out.. no more night parties again....
Wanted to do something really whacky tat day.. so thought of trying beer... first i had a small sip of Barcardi Rum on the rocks.. it was chill.. but as it went into my throat.. it was extremely warm....and EEEKS>>>>>>>SOUR........
then later had 2 small sips of beer... i wonder how guys can have hard drinks like this. so " Kadwa"
but had really lots of fun........ DANCED and danced a lot for 2 hrs..... and beer... and finally got to see him...though didnt spend time with him......