What did i acheive in one yr ~~ !!! ???
One Yr ? Wondering what it could be about... This was the due surprise i was going to give you all about.
19th July 2005, I have completed today One year in Accenture my present company.

And the question that remains here is what have i acheived in this one yr of duration.
I had worked with DELL before joining this place. Worked there for 11 months and 13 days and then took a break for one month and joined Accenture on 19th july 2004.
I remember last yr on this day, i was at the Taj Residency for my induction. 106 people in the induction hall,listening to what everyone had to say about this company, what this company has to offer us and blah blah.
All the fond memories of the training that we had gone through, the fun we had, the jokes we craked sitting in the laughing corner, starring at people sitting in the studious corner and asking all questions to the trainer { i still wonder what those questions were all about and related to what } , the hectic 2 months training we had, the evaluation that we went through, cheating through IP messenger and telling the answers online ;) { thanks guys for all the help, but no thanks also coz you guys didnt encourage me to learn things on my own } , but thanks to all we made it through togeather.
But right after the training keeping a track of the people that we had during the training the number has come down immensely , 106 people joined on this day and right now we have only 20-30 people in this company. Most of them have joined other MNC's minting more money or have gone abroad on H1 or MS; and with whomever i am in touch with all of them r doing well in their respective feilds.
I have had a lots of ups and downs in this company, at times i used to be so frustrated that i felt i should resign right away and leave this place. People around me sometimes used to be very discouraging and sometimes really helpful, but i have learnt a lot about people this way. But now i feel in a way its good that this journey wasnt a smooth sail, i wanted to go through all this and learn things in life personally and professionally.
The number of friends that i made was humongous. I have made so many friends here that i have forgotten the list and have really lost a count. But one good friend that i made here is tripti as u guys know.
I met her the first time on our interview , clicked well on the very first day, induction day were were togeather and then it went on like that. One year just went by like that. I met Tripti today and we were wondering as to how the time flew away and all the memories in the training. She is happy now doing her MBA and ME ??
If i was happy here, then I wouldn't have given my resignation today.. Well; yes this is the so called Surprise which might not surprise you people but those who know me well its a surprise for them.
My horoscope for the day says : " Try not to be too arrogant today, Kiranmayi V R, even when you are one hundred percent sure that you are right about the given situation. More than likely, you do indeed have the correct answers, but it is not necessary to be militant about it. Unexpected events are coming your way, and you may find that your emotions are being toyed with. Be on guard for people who may want to ruffle your feathers unjustly."
Had a argument with my parents last night, felt bad about things that they spoke, but then things have to go the way they have been written in my destiny.
Guess since i have given my resignation have to look out for another job while i serve my notice period, wish me luck guys that i get a good job in a good position. Keeping my fingers crossed.
All i can at this point of time is, i need luck and i need blessings.
Thanks guys for all the love you gave me during this one year stay at Accenture, many of you have touched my heart in a lot of ways, thanks a lot for the help at work, thanks for all the support you all have given me...
Thanks Tripti for listening to all my cribbing regarding my work, thanks Abu for making me laugh when i was pissed of with work, Thanks Dhananjaya for everything, Thanks to my Manager for tolerating me, Thanks to all my Teammates for helping me out with all the trouble i had with work ...
I cried,
I don't know if it was out of fear or joy.
I cried,
either tears of pain or just like that.
I cried,
My heart seemed to be being cleaned up by my tears.
I cried,
And i got rid of all the pain i had inside.
Sometimes when u've got all the pain lockedinside your heart,
All those times that you feel your life's falling apart,
Open your heart and let go of all the misery,
Cry your tearsand let your soulrelease the load for free.
My Tears,
They seem to come from my heart rather than my eyes,
My tears,
they came and greeted me out of full surprise.
My tears,
They blurred my vision but managed to ease the pain.
My tears,
They wet my face, so that i could clean it plain.
Sometimes when u've got all the pain locked inside your heart,
All those times you feel your life's falling apart,
Open your heart and let go of all the misery,
Cry your tears and let your soul release the load for free.
They've dried.
They only remain as a mere memory,
They've dried,
BUt i still dont know why they came form within me.
They've dried,
They came and they went,but will never be neglected.
They've dried,
And they will return again totally UNEXPECTED.
@metal: thanks for the feedback, as far as speaking about he company is concerned i do understand i am not supposed to be speaking anything about it but then as far as i know i have expressed what i feel about my job here but havent spoken anything bad about the company as such, but definetly will keep ur advice in mind :) thanks
US ppl r always strict about all this, in india very few ppl bother to even think so far
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