Whats The Meaning Of Life !!!!

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Your Horoscope for Today!!

Though i dont believe much in Horoscope that i got in my inbox today ... tell me what do u think about it...
Stop wasting away your energies on things that have no real relevance in your life, Kiranmayi V R------hey come on yaar.... everything in my life is imp from brushing my teeth to watching the guys who r worth watching though.....
This is a day to focus your attention on the tasks at hand and get things done---ok regarding this.... do they think i am sitting and cutting grass out here in the office ???? slogging for hours togeather here in the office spoiling my sleep and they say be focussed... Ya Right !!!!
Don't let yourself get distracted by the blinking neon lights... blinking neon lights..... hmmm well handsome men.... how can i resist them.....
Stay tuned to your own channel. It might not be a bad idea to adopt more of a critical tone so that you don't get caught up in issues that don't pertain to you.---- now if u guys send me such stupid horoscopes.... wont i get caught into ISSUES.....
oh god.. what a disastorous day and then on top of this .. this stupid horoscope for the day..making me go crazy... !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Sachin Uppal said...

Juno wat...most of d times if u read a horoscope u'll find out of 10 sentences they have written some 8 will be very obvious and general and won't mean much to your situation...and the other two wud just b your imagination to make it look like it helps u in ur situation...
So basically most og te times..these Horror Scopes...oops horoscopes r junk...
rarely does it happen that it actually is worth and tru 2 ur situation!

March 02, 2005 11:42 PM  

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