Whats The Meaning Of Life !!!!

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Life is Beautiful

I have to remind myself very often that Life is Beautiful under any circumstances. As a human being, the momeries of painful experience seem to stay longer than those of happy ones. That is purely because the brain was stimulated more by the painful experience. However, the dreams, the impossible dreams bring me many joyful moments and drove me to achieve.
I always thought that I was living in the future, chasing the dreams, achieving my goals until the reality hit me. I struggled through all different ways to get out where I thought that I did not belong. I failed miserably. The past experience certainly changed the way I look at the life. It took me a while to readjust myself. Still, I am not there yet. However, I am working very hard on it.
Every morning, I tell myself that I am happy to be here and wish that everything has passed me.


Blogger Pradeep Nair said...

Thanks a ton for visiting my page... and also adding a link to my page on your blog. I shall reciprocate that.

Just stumbled upon your blog. Very interesting thoughts, I must say. I shall definitely keep dropping by.

I liked that remark on why the "bad" lingers more in our minds than the "good. Now I know why I remember the times things go wrong, rather than when they go right. Though, as we all know, in everyones lives, the good and the +ve outweight the bad and -ve.

Is it not also about learning to look at thing the right way...?!

February 28, 2005 2:59 AM  
Blogger Sachin Uppal said...


Worth reading a link!

Gives u real insight on how to focus on +ves than to think about -ves

I am lucky that i have realized it long bak that u have to live for present...
and that's life..njoyning every moment of it...

I learn from my past and keeep learning from my present...

apply my thoughts...on whatever i have learnt from past and whatever knowledge that get from present...
and just plan a bit about future...

But always Cherish the gift we have "The Present"


March 03, 2005 12:02 AM  

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