Whats The Meaning Of Life !!!!

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Hello !!!!

Is it true, Another 24hrs have almost past??

You have to be kidding.Its almost the end of February, and the days aren't slowing up any. :(

Anyways, went to work today morning, had a pretty good time. Came home, played some games with some of the family , and now yep you guessed ..one of my FAVORITE places to be ~ The COMPUTER!

None of my chat friends are on right now, but thats ok. I know some people actually lead a life. :P

Humm...Deee..Dummm... what else?

Oh yeah, the weather was pretty nice again today(like Tshirt weather) , but tomorrow it isn't supposed to get out of the 37's, and there is a chance for a slight shower, if not, there will at least be more sunshine. *sigh*, sooooo, we'll see!

By the way everyone, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Drive Safe: While on my way to work, I saw a car that was flipped upside down, and was lying on its top.

:( I have no clue how it happened, or anything else about it. But my prayers go out to all involved, and the families....

See, another reason why I say Life is to short to sweat the small stuff. Don't get worked up over things that aren't that important. ;)Well its now Saturday ~Feb 26th!!

I best be shutting my mouth now,hehe. I'll post sometime. I work tomorrow from 6am-2pm, soo it will probably be tomorrow afternoon!Take Care!

Have A GREAT day, and a TERRIFIC Weekend! !! YAY!!


Blogger Sachin Uppal said...

I Truly 2nd ur thots...Drive safe...better to b late then never...
And my dad tells me always...how so ever fast u drive there won't b more than a differene of 5 mins in reaching ur destination in the normal safe way!

And Bnagalore's weather is getting BAD day by day...this time(even the past 2 months) were supposed to b winters but i don't find any chill??
Where has d fizz gone??

Neways Njoy!!

March 02, 2005 11:50 PM  

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