Is Govt doing enough for tsunami victims?
Is Govt doing enough for tsunami victims? ........... thats the question!!!!
I would like to say that the tsunami waves that struck the world and the southern part of India were totally unexpected. No one had ever anticipated that a disaster like this could strike, killing thousands of people.
We know that in other disasters that have hit the country, there have been incidents where the aid has not reached the victims. This is where the government plays an important role. It has to ensure that relief reaches those hit by this tragedy.
The government can improve the communication channels in order to speed the relief and rescue work. Currently the tsunami victims are being provided dry food packets and makeshift shelter camps. But this is just a temporary solution.
The people in Tamil Nadu, Kerela and other affected areas need to know where their future lies and what the government’s next step will be. At present their lives are at a standstill.
The govt says that it going to cut the salary for all govt employes..companies are going to cut the salary for the day and donate the money to the victims.. but do u think this money would actually reach them.. Does it always reach them??
How long will they be able to survive on dry food packets and live in shelter camps? They are looking up to the government for complete rehabilitation.Also, the government needs to form a disaster management cell. The government is doing a decent job of helping the victims, but now they should get over the ‘it won’t happen to me syndrome’ and take some preventive measures so that if a tragedy like this occurs again, the death toll can be reduced, if not completely averted.
Think about it...thers is lots that we can do for them.. but how many ppl are ready to come forward and do it.. how many ppl would actualy go to these places.. how many of them would actually spend their time leaving their own work... Very few!!!!
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